Today was another transit day, as we steadily approach our study area in the northern Galapagos. The weather has been very cloudy, which makes for more pleasant work on deck. During the science meeting today, we had to postpone a talk by our biologist, Daniel, due to blasting noises from the outside as rust was removed. To the rescue was Steve, one of the members of HMRG (Hawaii Mapping Research Group), showing us the side-scan sonar (pictured left) that will be deployed tomorrow morning. The side-scan sonar produces a black and white image that represents how much sound was reflected from a given area. High-reflectivity can indicate exposed, hard rock surfaces, while low reflectivity can show an area covered in sediment. The side-scan sonar is torpedo shaped, at 12 feet long, and 3800 pounds. Once it is deployed, we can better determine where to dredge later in the cruise, as we will want hard, volcanic rocks on seamounts.
Cam in exposure suit, after setting a new Colgate record for time taken to put on: 33.5 sec.We were also briefed on exposure suits today (pictured above). They are neoprene suits that prevent hypothermia in case one is forced to go overboard. While hypothermia is not a huge risk in the Galapagos, it is still a necessary safety precaution to learn about.
We have also posted an update about the Galley, so check it out:
Just an fyi that you can get hypothermia in any ocean since it is always far cooler than 98.6. Don't let the tropics fool you. Happy sailing!